Being doused with dangerous chemicals, or having them enter your eye, can lead to extreme pain and life-changing injuries that may include blindness.
Does Your Risk Assessment Indicate a Safety Shower Is Needed?
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If your workplace handles any type of poisonous or corrosive chemical, your risk assessment may deem that a safety shower is required to minimise the risk of harm, as far as reasonably practical.
Once you’ve determined that, now what? How do you choose the right safety shower for your needs?
What is a Safety Shower?
Safety showers are showers that are purposely designed to quickly spray large quantities of water over a person’s body after they have been splashed or immersed in a dangerous chemical. They are easy to operate, even if a person has been temporarily blinded by a chemical, and could mean the difference between painful burns that heal and permanent scarring or, in the case of chemicals like hydrofluoric acid, amputation and death.
Common Types of Safety Showers
Safety showers cater to different situations and are commonly available for inside use (for example in laboratories), outside use (such as at chemical plants), self-contained units, and units that are portable, for people working in the field and where plumbed infrastructure may not be nearby.
Spill Station is one of Australia’s highly regarded suppliers of safety showers.
Who is Spill Station?
Spill Station is an Australian–owned company that was established in 1983. Since then, they have been providing high quality safety equipment to help manage and reduce the impact of personal harm, structural damage and environmental contamination from chemicals.
In addition to safety showers, Spill Station has a range of eye and face wash equipment, spill kits, bunding, dangerous goods cabinets and other chemical storage systems.
Spill Station’s Range of Safety Showers
Spill Station’s safety showers include:
- Indoor safety showers, including units with a combined safety shower and eye/face wash, ceiling-mounted safety showers and stainless steel wall mounted safety showers
- Outdoor safety showers (heated or unheated)
- Portable decontamination showers.
Spill Station also offers a safety shower and eyewash inspection, testing and maintenance service, to ensure that your emergency equipment functions flawlessly when it is needed.
Spill Station’s showers have a patented design, are made from 100% stainless steel, come in modular parts so they can be customised to your needs and help you comply with Australian Standard AS4775-2007.