Sleep apnea causes difficulty in breathing at night and can have serious consequences. These sleeping disorders are defined by breathing disruptions at night and can occur hundreds of times. Sleep disorders cause a variety of health issues, including everyday weariness and cardiovascular disease. Reliable doctors will offer several treatment options depending on your goals.
Diagnose Sleep Apnea
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Sleep apnea is a serious sleep condition characterized by a momentary cessation of breathing while sleeping. These disruptions can occur multiple times every night, interfering with sleep and causing severe health problems. Distinguishing between disorders becomes necessary when finding the proper treatment. Individuals who suffer from sleep disorders can have their specific issue diagnosed through sleep laboratories or a polysomnogram (PSG). Home sleep studies are another option for clients who want to undergo tests in their homes.
Treatment for Sleep Apnea
Management of sleep apnea and treatment procedures vary among practicing physicians, from providing effective breathing apparatuses to personalized dental appliances. Here are a few sleep apnea solutions:
CPAP Therapy
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a major treatment for sleep apnea, especially in moderate to severe situations. CPAP devices have advanced features that help machines change pressure levels at night to maintain proper ventilation. Patients using such systems have better sleep quality and daytime energy. Newer devices are quiet, and masks have become more comfortable in recent years.
Oral Appliances
Dental sleep medicine is beneficial for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. Oral appliances are specially crafted to verify that the jaw or tongue forces the airways to stay open when an individual is asleep. Sleep medicine specialists will help patients obtain oral appliances that fit properly and are comfortable to wear to bed.
Lifestyle Modifications
Weight control plans and other therapies for sleep apnea sufferers are effective in reducing the manifestations of the condition. For overweight individuals, reducing their body weight may make a helpful difference in their ability to sleep. Another lifestyle modification includes sleep position training and avoiding interferences with evening habits. Try to go to sleep at the same time to encourage a regular schedule.
When To Get Help for Sleep Disorders
Healthcare providers will help you determine the specific cause of your sleep apnea. Along with noticing the common symptoms, patients should look for other signs. These include morning headaches, constant fatigue, and difficulties in concentration. If these symptoms are identified early enough, they can be treated, and most severe health consequences can be avoided. Doctors will evaluate your specific disorder and offer treatment solutions. Depending on the treatment results, they can then revise their solutions to provide better outcomes.
Find Expert Sleep Apnea Care Near You
Doctors offer various treatment solutions for sleep disorders. Contemporary sleep centers employ skilled, board-certified personnel who tailor treatments to meet the patient’s needs. For people seeking treatment for sleep disorders, there are specialized centers where you can complete programs to improve your health while sleeping. Visit a sleep clinic in your area today to learn more about getting better sleep.